Training Services

Innovative Physical Training.

At Family Rehab Care, we take physical therapy to the next level. When you first present to us from your physician, we enroll you into our Phase I course to help progress from your acute injury. Our innovative approach to physical therapy begins at Phase II where we add physical training to the traditional physical therapy approach to help you transition to your PLOF (prior level of function).

Phase I.

We work directly with your primary care physician or surgeons to help you develop a personalized physical therapy plan. The ultimate goal of Phase I is to help you progress to Phase II. Read more about our traditional physical therapy services offered at Family Rehab Care.

Therapy Services

Phase II.

At Family Rehab Care, we have developed our two phased approach to helping you regain your health. Once you progress from Phase I, our experts at Family Rehab Care will help transition you to Phase II. This regimen includes training in our state of the art equipped facility to help you return to your prior level of function.

The ultimate goal is to not only have our patients return to their PLOF, we also want our patients to maintain and expand their training regimen with us to take the next step of strength training and working towards a better and stronger version of you. With the help of our expert therapists, this goal is highly attainable.

Included in Program

    • Full body Fit3D assessment
    • Customized macronutrient count nutritional plan
    • 3 days of one-on-one training a week
    • Two recovery sessions a month

All scheduled at your convenience at our private facility. Contact for more info!